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Lamar Junior High

Home of the Mustangs

Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources



LJH Bus Dismissal Chart



  • Canvas - This program is the district-approved LMS (Learning Management System) that our campus teachers will use to communicate with our students and parents.
  • Educator's Handbook - We use this website to enter discipline referrals and you can set up notifications for certain kids, etc.
  • Eduphoria.  Teachers need to use this link when going to Eduphoria for data and running tests in Eduphoria.  If you need assistance, please see Dawn Butler (LJH Instructional Coach).
  • Kronos - This link takes you directly to the Online Time system for LCISD.  Use this system to log in and out and track personal leave and other time taken off.
  • LamarNet (New Site) - The district is transitioning all of the older LamarNet items to this new more secure LamarNet.  This is the site you would go to if you were submitting a fundraiser for approval.
  • LCISD Policy Online - This website will let you search for and review any LCISD board policies.
  • LiveSchool - This link can be used by staff and administration to log into their LiveSchool account if ClassLink's app is not working for you.   Use your LCISD e-mail and password to login.
  • MAP Testing (Reports for Staff) - This link is for staff who want to run reports about MAP testing and use data for instructional purposes.
  • Morning Announcements - Use this link to submit morning announcements to Mr. Semmler to read on the morning announcements.
  • MUNIS (Budget) - Use this link to create PO's approve requisitions and budget transfers
  • Mustang Playbook- This is for our staff to get access to many different pieces of information related to how our school runs.
  • On Data Suite - This website is used by the administrators and instructional coaches to break down STAAR data in much deeper detail.
  • Parent Square - This website and app will be used by LCISD to push out communication, newsletters, alerts, etc.
  • Plan 4 Learning - This website is used to prepare the Campus Improvement Plan.
  • Principal's Desktop - Information for Administrators
  • Reporting Services - Information for Administrators.
  • Responsive Learning - This website is used by teachers to get their Initial or Refresher T-TESS Training.
  • SchoolDude- Online Workorder Submission.
  • Sentinel - This website is used by Administrators to log in our door sweeps.  Developed by TEA.
  • Skylert - This is our callout system which is a product of the Skyward company.  
  • Skyward - Student Management System
  • Staff Certifications - Click on this link to see the staff list and what their certification is.  Only administrators can use this link.
  • Staff Roster - Click on this link to get a sign-in sheet for the Leaman Staff for inservices, etc.  Only administrators can use this link.
  • SuccessEd - This website is used by the Special Education department to enter paperwork, etc. for the ARD process.
  • Trip Tracker - This site is used to create and approve bus requests.
  • WebCenter - Absences
  • Winocular - Human Resources Portal